My beautiful Ursa girl

My beautiful Ursa girl
A truly one of a kind, amazing and special dog

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Found an old photo...

Found this old photo browsing through my Facebook profile pics...

I think I immediately started crying... I missed her so much while looking at this I swore I heard her whining behind me, just like she used to do when she wanted attention and I was on the computer. (actually I WAS hearing whining; but it was Raven my foster pup, sleeping and dreaming)

I dont know why this photo hurt so much; maybe because I am so happy and I am holding her.  But it did.  Like a raw wound.  Fresh, or one that was beginning to heal being torn back open.

I really loved her so much... it's not the same without her.  I wish I had more than 7 years with her (she died less than a month after her 7th birthday), it was way too short.  But I suppose that 10 years would have been too little too.  Who wants to give up a soul-bonded friend ever, whether it is a person or an animal???!!! I guess no one... and I guess no amount of time would have been enough.  But I miss her. A lot.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Grieving the loss of an animal...

In talking to some friends who have lost animals around the same time we lost Ursa, it seems that the initial shock and melancholy is actually a blessing in disguise.  As the days and weeks and months pass by, the numbness is replaced by a sadness, an emptiness and lots of tears.

No, it doesn't get easier as time passes. If anything, I think it gets harder to accept that you will not be able to smoosh your face in their sweet fur... not even one more time.

I suppose you can only find salvation in knowing you will one day see them again... in spirit form.

I have purchased a bunch of books, in the meantime, to help people to communicate with their animals (I am assuming its for animals that are living).  If it helps, I will sure let you all know!  It'd be great to be able to "hear" what they have to say!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stumbling block...Please help.

So I am hitting a wall finding a feline cancer-related financial assistance program to raise funds for. I have 2 for canine and cannot leave out our feline friends.

Anyone know of any group that I can join up with to raise funds for people who cannot afford their feline cancer-related vet bills? As I said, I am all set on two wonderful groups for  canines.


I'd really like to get the promo and fundraising started... but am not complete without one for cats to jump on board!