My beautiful Ursa girl

My beautiful Ursa girl
A truly one of a kind, amazing and special dog

Monday, December 27, 2010

December 26, 2010 - The First Snowfall

The first snowfall of the Winter season... a bittersweet snowfall.  The fresh white landscape is not only beautiful, it reminds me of my Ursa girl.  She loved the snow so much.  Each time she saw it, it was like a zest of life came over her and she played and played until her heart’s content.  She ran in it, licked at it, rolled in it... despite her aching hips (from hip displaysia) she’d play like a puppy without a care in the world.
How I wish she was here today to play in the snow one more time.  I am thankful I have a short video of her playing in last year’s snowfall.  I’ll include it here if the blog lets me post videos.  It’s just a very short clip, but it makes me smile each time I see it.  And of course, at the same time, I am saddened by her loss.  That she isn’t here to play with me one last time in the winter wonderland. 
I can only hope she is by my side in spirit, provoking me to kick some snow her way so she can run and catch it.  Rolling down the hillside on her back and showing her belly (the ONLY time we saw her belly, since she was a dominant dog). 
I love you Ursa Magnus... Enjoy the snowfall, my dear. I hope there is plenty of snow for you to play in where ever you are, and that you are a puppy at heart each day that passes with no physical ailments to hold you down like those you had in your earthly physical life.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A dream of Ursa....

I had a dream last night.  It was very bizarre.  But I got to see my Ursa girl, again.  I was in my childhood home, in Hauppauge.  I went upstairs to my bedroom.  Ursa was lying on the rug.  I was saddened to see her swollen neck and a bubble that appeared to be a tumor coming from it.  I thought, "oh no, not again. It grew back."  Then I stopped for a moment and regained my memory.  I thought, "Wait, last time this happened we took her to be euthanized."  I was very confused.  The dream ended shortly after.  But not until I got to pet her and kiss her once, again.